2024 Procession Application -


Thank you for taking the time to apply to be a Procession Participant at the 2024 Dia de los Muertos at Hemisfair. We encourage you to apply early for the best chance at securing your spot. We will have a limited number of spaces available and may not be able to accept everyone who applies.

The Muertos Fest Procession is an opportunity for community members to honor their loved ones who have passed through participation in the procession. As the Procession travels throughout the walkways of Hemisfair, no motorized vehicles will be allowed. Every Procession Participant will walk in honor of a person or group of people who have passed on. We are open to a variety of entrants and encourage innovative forms of expression -- hand carried or wheeled altars, people-powered alebrijes or skeleton puppets, school or organizational groups, performance groups, etc.

All accepted entries will be expected to participate in both processions (October 26, 2024 at 7pm and October 27, 2024 at 3pm). 

This Procession is not an opportunity for advertising or promotion.

Please read all Procession Participant Policies below before filling out the application. 

Dates: Saturday, October 26 and Sunday, October 27, 2024
Festival Hours: Saturday from 10am to 11pm and Sunday from noon to 9pm
Procession Times: Saturday, October 26 at 7pm and Sunday, October 27 at 3pm

Hemisfair, 630 Nueva St., San Antonio, TX 78205

Application deadline: August 30, 2024*
Notification of all participants in the Dia de los Muertos at Hemisfair Procession by September 6, 2024
*Please note applications will be accepted on a rolling basis so the earlier you apply, the better chance you have to be accepted. 


  • Schools
  • Organizations 
  • Families
  • Large Walking Group: Walking group with 20 or more participants with an altar
  • Small Walking Group: Walking group with 1-19 participants with an altar 
  • Community Performance Group: Walking group with dance/performance
  • Puppets
  • People-Powered Alebrijes
  • Other: We are open to other ideas -- please be clear in your description and let us know what you would like to do. 


Participation is not confirmed until you have received notice of your selection as a Procession Participant and your release form has been submitted AND you have received a confirmation email from Día de los Muertos at Hemisfair. All participant groups will be expected to have a representative attend a planning meeting as well as a walk through and comply with all festival and venue requirements.

For questions regarding the Procession, please email info@muertosfest.com.


All fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields.

Organization or Family Name/Name to be listed on your Procession Banner: *
Name of person (or people) who your group will walk in honor of (also to be included on the banner): *
Bio of who you are honoring
Please tell us about the person you are honoring. Feel free to include why you are choosing to honor them and/or a short biography of their life. If selected, this biography may be used in festival programs/website/app as well as provided to KSAT television for use in their on air coverage of the procession.  
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email *
Procession Participant Category *
Please give a brief, two to three sentence, bio describing your group/organization/family/self: *
Provide a detailed description of your entry. *
Estimated number of walkers, dancers, general participants, wagons, altar. Please be specific, example: 20 dancers, 4 puppets, one wagon with audio equipment and music playing. *
Provide photos of your group in action or inspiration photos for the altar/entry that you will be creating.
Add another (Max 3)
Will your entry feature music or sound?
If your entry will feature music or sound, please describe:
Has this Group/Organization participated in any way at Día de los Muertos at Hemisfair Procession previously?

Website/Social Media Information - The social media section applies to groups and performers who have public social media pages. Individuals or families do not need to share their personal social media and may leave this section blank. 

Website (this can be your most used social media address)
Facebook page (include entire link ex: https://www.facebook.com/muertosfest)
TikTok page (include entire link ex: https://www.tiktok.com/@muertosfest)
Instagram page (include entire link ex: https://www.instagram.com/muertosfest)